Friday, December 23, 2011

Going to the Fair

 Finally got the pages for the fair done, got my Tilt-a Whirl a feature spot and a pic my husband got of me worked out great as an addition to the ride.  We also of course rode the bumper cars blurry as the pics were I got one of my husband driving and used him for the paper piece one too.  The next pictures if I can get this right is the pictures with bumper car booklet and the paper piecing of the car with husband added.

There is more to finessing pics into a blog than it is cracked up to be Next Pics are of the Tilt-a Whirl and the page and the larger paper piecing.
Oh well you get the gist of what I am doing, did not the paper piecing turn out great with me in the car....Good shot Robert. looks like I am really sitting in the thing...  The paper I used for all of these pics from
Strictly Scrapbooking but it appears to have already closed.  Just bought this paper in September when they were here for the Expo.  There is not any evidence of the papers name on the scaps I have left so we are all out of luck finding anymore.  I may be able to get a name forgot my daughter bought some think it is in storage since she just moved down here 6 months ago and is building a house now.  If so I will post it here.  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy new year since I will probably not post anything until after holidays.  My daughter had the paper with her and not in storage so the cool Fair paper is from Best Creations and it is called Loops and Scoops found it at a place called Scrap Your Trip this will take you to the page where you could order some if you like.  When I did the I pretty much bought 1 page of each since the Ferris wheel and roller coaster gets cut out completely and then u have to mount them on another page, the site appears to have plenty in stock, have fun.


Tina Campbell said...

Wow that is so cute. Love how you added the people to the pieces

Joanne said...

Wonderful job! You really worked and got it just right.
Thank you for letting us see what you are doing