Went to the fair here in Jacksonville, Friday night, went to ride the rides and eat junk food that is the best every with the cool fall air and the noise of the rides. Hit the gate and headed straight to the 4-H trailer that sells Pig on a Stick. My husband loves those so he had one and then I found a corn dog for some reason was craving one of those first. Walk a little rode the Scrambler and then the Tilt a Whirl. Love that thing the faster is spins the more I love it....We were waiting for our daughter and her husband to get there they were coming with a couple that is friends of theirs. They finally arrived after we had ate out first order of ribbon fries. We walked with them and they also got the Pig on a Stick and her husband got a foot-long corn dog. We walked a little more road the scrambler again and the tilt a whirl again, got on the Gravitron with my son-in-law and then we all rode the bumper cars which brings us to our file...Made this really cute bumper car svg available from
here. Just cut one out for a test just a few ago and it worked perfectly. This car came from a sign that was connected to the ride I have been looking for a bumper car for a while but just could not fine one that would work as an svg. I just love it can't wait to start scrapping a fair jaunt.
Thanks so much for the file. Sounds like a great time! Wish it was warm enough here to be at the fair.
Cute. Made me chuckle.
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